Dr. D.'s Blog

Dr. Dvorak

Dr. Jim Dvorak is Vice President Academic and Professor of New Testament at McMaster Divinity College in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

Showing all posts tagged "2014"

SBL Annual Meeting

I'm reading two papers at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL). I head to San Diego next Friday. I'd appreciate your prayers for safe travels.

Building a Hay Barn

Last Sunday (July 20) after church, I hopped in the car and headed north to the family farm near Bagley, IA. The reason for going was to spend three days working with my Dad and brother to build a pole barn for hay and machinery storage. The main ...

March comes in like a lion

It’s March 2nd. We’ve been getting thunder sleet. It’s beginning to pile up. Uh oh, it looks like your embed code is broken. Oh, it’s also only 10 degrees.

My latest badge

Look what showed up on my Mendeley profile today! Sweet! "What is Mendeley?" you ask. In short, it’s a reference manager that has a lot of nifty features. Go check it out!

I do, we do, you do

So, if you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m a college professor. My discipline is biblical studies and my area of speciality is biblical Greek and linguistics. I’m also an associate dean whose primary role focuses on providing ways for our faculty ...

2013 Holiday Hustle

Today I ran the annual Holiday Hustle at Oklahoma Christian University (it was scheduled to be run back in December, but inclement weather forced a reschedule to today). This is the *first* actual running competition I’ve participated in since hig...

Reader positioning

I don’t remember when, but at some point in the past few years, my Mom gave me a handful of children’s books from my childhood, so I could read them to my own kids. One of those books is Syd Hoff’s _The Littlest Leaguer_ (although mine was publish...

Check it out

So I popped open Google to search for something, and I noticed that the image was birthday related. Wondering whose birthday was being celebrated, I hovered my mouse over the image to get the title/alt text. Turns out they were wishing *me* a happ...

Writing Challenge

My friend Michael Hanegan tweeted that he had joined a 500-word-per-day writing challenge posted by Jeff Goins. I thought this would be a worthwhile endeavor, so I, too, joined the challenge. The rules are simple: 1. Write 500 words per day every...

Happy New Year!

I wish you all a Happy New Year! As you think about your goals and resolutions for 2014, consider this: Psalm 112 (NET) 1 Praise the Lord! How blessed is the one who obeys the Lord, who takes great delight in keeping his commands. 2 His descen...